Loddington is a Cognitive Horse / Equine Nursing Facility and Free Movement Livery, a Cornerstone of Freedom of Expression for all our Equine Friends.

Recognising ethical practice of the highest standard

Space to move, space for solitude and space for friends, Loddington doesn’t just provide “accommodation” for horses.

It accommodates them

Loddington is all about allowing horses cognitive freedom, allowing them choice and the ability to move and explore at will in this unique and nurturing environment

Connections, Exploration, Confidence, Nature, Emotional expression, Friends and


These are just some of our core values here at Loddington

Playtime at Loddington

What we do ..

Freedom Livery.

All aspects of equine veterinary nursing undertaken.

Respite care.

Post surgery and laminitic care.

Worm egg count service.

Inpatient Nursing

Freedom Livery

Welcome to reception

Would all visitors kindly call at reception upon arrival where we promise you will be greeted by a human too! :-)